Minggu, 15 Maret 2009


Seputih cinta ini
ingin kulukiskan
di dasar hatiku

Kesetiaan janjiku
untuk pertahankan
kasihku padamu

Bukalah mata hati
Ku masih cumbui bayang dirimu
di dalam mimpi
Yang mungkin tak kan pernah
membawamu di genggamku

Dirimu di hatiku, tak lekang oleh waktu
Meski kau bukan milikku
Intan permata yang tak pudar
Tetap bersinar mengisi kesepian jiwaku

Ku coba memahami
Bimbangnya nurani
tuk pastikan semua

Tak akan ku ingkari
Terlalu banyak cinta yang mengisi
datang dan pergi
Namun tak pernah bisa
Lenyapkanmu di benakku...

Dirimu di hatiku, tak lekang oleh waktu
Meski kau bukan milikku
Intan permata yang tak pudar
Tetap bersinar mengisi kesepian jiwaku

tak lekang oleh waktu


Waktu tlah tiba
Aku kan meninggalkan
Tinggalkan kamu tuk sementara

Kau dekap aku
Kau bilang jangan pergi
Tapi ku hanya dapat berkata

Aku hanya pergi tuk sementara
Bukan tuk meninggalkanmu selamanya
Ku pasti kan kembali pada dirimu
Tapi kau jangan nakal
Aku pasti kembali

Kau peluk aku
Kau ciumi pipiku
Kau bilang janganlah ku pergi

Bujuk rayumu
Buat hatiku sedih
Tapi ku hanya dapat berkata

Pabila nanti
Kau rindukanku di dekapmu
Tak perlu kau risaukan
Aku pasti akan kembali

bLaCk rOse

aNt (sEmUt)

Semut adalah serangga eusosial yang berasal dari keluarga Formisidae, dan semut termasuk dalam ordo Himenoptera bersama dengan lebah dan tawon. Semut terbagi atas lebih dari 12.000 kelompok, dengan perbandingan jumlah yang besar di kawasan tropis. Semut dikenal dengan koloni dan sarang-sarangnya yang teratur, yang terkadang terdiri dari ribuan semut per koloni. Jenis semut dibagi menjadi semut pekerja, semut pejantan, dan ratu semut. Satu koloni dapat menguasai dan memakai sebuah daerah luas untuk mendukung kegiatan mereka. Koloni semut kadangkala disebut superorganisme dikarenakan koloni-koloni mereka yang membentuk sebuah kesatuan.

Semut telah menguasai hampir seluruh bagian tanah di Bumi. Hanya di beberapa tempat seperti di Islandia,Greenland dan Hawaii, mereka tidak menguasai daerah tesebut.[1][2] Di saat jumlah mereka bertambah, mereka dapat membnetuk sekitar 15 - 20% jumlah biomassa hewan-hewan besar.[3]

Rayap, terkadang disebut semut putih, tidak memiliki hubungan yang erat dengan semut, walaupun mereka memiliki struktur sosial yang sama. Semut beludru, walaupun menyerupai semut besar, tapi mereka merupakan tawon betina yang tidak bersayap.


Fosil semut di getah pohon

Keluarga Formicidae adalah bagian dari ordo Hymenoptera, yang mencakup capung, lebah dan tawon. Semut adalah keturunan dari generasi tawon Vespoidea. Analisa Filogenetik mengindikasikan bahwa semut telah berevolusi dari capung vespoid pada periode Kapur sekitar 120 juta sampai 170 juta tahun yang lalu. Setelah kemunculan tumbuhan Angiosperma sekitar 100 juta tahun yang lalu, mereka menganekaragamkan pengaruh ekolofi sekitar 60 juta tahun yang lalu.[4][5][6] Beberapa fosil from dari periode Kapur adalah bentuk pertengahan dari semut dan tawon, dan ini menambahkan bukti bagi nenek moyang tawon. Seperti hewan berordo Hymenoptera lainnya, sistem genetika semut ditemukan di haplodiploidy.

Pada tahun 1966, E. O. Wilson, dkk. menemukan fosil semut dalam getah pohon (Sphecomyrma freyi) dari periode Kapur. Fosil ini terjebak di sebuah getah pohon di New Jersey dan telah berumur lebih dari 80 juta tahun. Fosil ini memberikan bukti terjelas tentang hubungan semut modern dan tawon non-sosial. Semut periode Kapur berbagi karakteristik semut modern dan tawon.[7]

Selama periode Kapur, hanya sebagian kecil spesies yang berhasil menguasai daerah benua besar Laurasia (bagian utara). Mereka pun sangat langka dengan perbandingan jumlah sekitar 1% dari jenis serangga lainnya. Semut menjadi dominan setelah radiasi adaptif pada awal Periode Tertiari. Jumlah spesies yang tersisa pada periode Kapur dan periode Ecocene, hanya 1 dari 10 genera yang punah sampai saat ini. 56% dari genera semut yang terdapat di fosil getah kayu di daerah Baltik (sejak Oligocene awal), dan sekitar 96% dari genera semut yang terdapat di fosil getah kayu di Dominika (sejak awal Miocene) masih bertahan hingga sekarang.[4]

[sunting] Morfologi

Gambar dekat memperlihatkan rahang bawah dan mata semut yang kecil.

Tubuh semut terdiri atas tiga bagian, yaitu kepala, mesosoma (dada), dan metasoma (perut). Morfologi semut cukup jelas dibandingkan dengan serangga lain yang juga memiliki antena, kelenjar metapleural, dan bagian perut kedua yang berhubungan ke tangkai semut membentuk pinggang sempit (pedunkel) di antara mesosoma (bagian rongga dada dan daerah perut) dan metasoma (perut yang kurang abdominal segmen dalam petiole). Petiole yang dapat dibentuk oleh satu atau dua node (hanya yang kedua, atau yang kedua dan ketiga abdominal segmen ini bisa terwujud).

Tubuh semut, seperti serangga lainnya, memiliki eksoskeleton atau kerangka luar yang memberikan perlindungan dan juga sebagai tempat menempelnya otot, berbeda dengan kerangka manusia dan hewan bertulang belakang. Serangga tidak memiliki paru-paru, tetapi mereka memiliki lubang-lubang pernapasan di bagian dada bernama spirakel untuk sirkulasi udara dalam sistem respirasi mereka. Serangga juga tidak memiliki sistem peredaran darah tertutup. Sebagai gantinya, mereka memiliki saluran berbentuk panjang dan tipis di sepanjang bagian atas tubuhnya yang disebut "aorta punggung" yang fungsinya mirip dengan jantung. sistem saraf semut terdiri dari sebuah semacam otot saraf ventral yang berada di sepanjang tubuhnya, dengan beberapa buah ganglion dan cabang yang berhubungan dengan setiap bagian dalam tubuhnya.

Pada kepala semut terdapat banyak organ sensor. Semut, layaknya serangga lainnya, memiliki mata majemuk yang terdiri dari kumpulan lensa mata yang lebih kecil dan tergabung untuk mendeteksi gerakan dengan sangat baik. Mereka juga punya tiga oselus di bagian puncak kepalanya untuk mendeteksi perubahan cahaya dan polarisasi. [8] Kebanyakan semut umumnya memiliki penglihatan yang buruk, bahkan beberapa jenis dari mereka buta. Namun, beberapa spesies semut, semisal semut bulldog Australia, memiliki penglihatan yang baik. Pada kepalanya juga terdapat sepasang antena yang membantu semut mendeteksi rangsangan kimiawi. Antena semut juga digunakan untuk berkomunikasi satu sama lain dan mendeteksi feromon yang dikeluarkan oleh semut lain. Selain itu, antena semut juga berguna sebagai alat peraba untuk mendeteksi segala sesuatu yang berada di depannya. Pada bagian depan kepala semut juga terdapat sepasang rahang atau mandibula yang digunakan untuk membawa makanan, memanipulasi objek, membangun sarang, dan untuk pertahanan. Pada beberapa spesies, di bagian dalam mulutnya terdapat semacam kantung kecil untuk menyimpan makanan untuk sementara waktu sebelum dipindahkan ke semut lain atau larvanya.

Di bagian dada semut terdapat tiga pasang kaki dan di ujung setiap kakinya terdapat semacam cakar kecil yang membantunya memanjat dan berpijak pada permukaan. Sebagian besar semut jantan dan betina calon ratu memiliki sayap. Namun, setelah kawin betina akan menanggalkan sayapnya dan menjadi ratu semut yang tidak bersayap. Semut pekerja dan prajurit tidak memiliki sayap.

Di bagian metasoma (perut) semut terdapat banyak organ dalam yang penting, termasuk organ reproduksi. Beberapa spesies semut juga memiliki sengat yang terhubung dengan semacam kelenjar beracun untuk melumpuhkan mangsa dan melindungi sarangnya. Spesies semut seperti [[Formica yessensis]] memiliki kelenjar penghasil asam semut yang bisa disemprotkan ke arah musuh untuk pertahanan.

Cheerleading is a sport[1] that uses organized routines that range from 1 minute to 3 minutes made from elements of tumbling, dance, jumps, cheers, and stunting to direct spectators of events to cheer on sports teams at games and matches and/or compete at cheerleading competitions. Cheerleading takes years of practice and the practices last just as long as football practices. Cheerleaders draw attention to the event they are cheering for and get the audience into the event. The athlete involved is called a cheerleader.

With an estimated 1.5 million participants in allstar cheerleading (not including the millions more in high school, college or little league participants) in the United States alone, cheerleading is, according to Newsweek's Arian Campo-Flores, "the most quintessential of American sports."[2] The growing presentation of the sport to a global audience has been led by the 1997 start of broadcasts of cheerleading competition by ESPN International and the worldwide release of the 2000 film Bring it On.

Due in part to this recent exposure, there are now an estimated 100,000 participants scattered around the rest of the world in countries including Australia, China, Colombia, France, Germany, Japan,[3] the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. [2]


Minnesota Gopher cheerleader Johnny Campbell

Princeton graduate Thomas Peebles introduced the idea of organized crowds cheering at football games to the University of Minnesota. However, it was not until 1898 that University of Minnesota student Johnny Campbell directed a crowd in cheering "Rah, Rah, Rah! Sku-u-mar, Hoo-Rah! Hoo-Rah! Varsity! Varsity! Varsity, Minn-e-So-Tah!”, making Campbell the very first cheerleader and November 2, 1898 the official birth date of organized cheerleading. Soon after, the University of Minnesota organized a "yell leader" squad of 6 male students, who still use Campbell's original cheer today[4] In 1903 the first cheerleading fraternity, Gamma Sigma was founded.[5] Cheerleading started out as an all-male activity, but females began participating in 1923, due to limited availability of female collegiate sports. At this time, gymnastics, tumbling, and megaphones were incorporated into popular cheers, and are still used today.[5] Today it is estimated that 97% of cheerleading participants overall are female, but males still make up 50% of cheering squads at the collegiate level. [6]

Cornell University cheerleader on a 1906 postcard

In 1948, Lawrence "Herkie" Herkimer, of Dallas, TX and a former cheerleader at Southern Methodist University formed the National Cheerleaders Association (NCA) as a way to hold cheerleading clinics. In 1949, The NCA held its first clinic in Huntsville, TX with 52 girls in attendance.[6] "Herkie" contributed many "firsts" to the sport including the founding of Cheerleader & Danz Team uniform supply company, inventing the herkie, (where one leg is bent towards the ground and the other is out to the side as high as it will stretch in the toe touch position)[7] and creating the "Spirit Stick".[5] By the 1960s, college cheerleaders began hosting workshops across the nation, teaching fundamental cheer skills to eager high school age girls. In 1965, Fred Gastoff invented the vinyl pom-pon and it was introduced into competitions by the International Cheerleading Foundation (now the World Cheerleading Association or WCA). Organized cheerleading competitions began to pop up with the first ranking of the "Top Ten College Cheerleading Squads" and "Cheerleader All America" awards given out by the International Cheerleading Foundation in 1967. In 1978, America was introduced to competitive cheerleading by the first broadcast of Collegiate Cheerleading Championships on CBS[4][5]

In the 1960s National Football League (NFL) teams began to organize professional cheerleading teams. The Baltimore Colts (now the Indianapolis Colts) was the first NFL team to have an organized cheerleading squad.[8] It was the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders who gained the spotlight with their revealing outfits and sophisticated dance moves, which debuted in the 1972-1973 season, but were first seen widely in Super Bowl X (1976). This caused the image of cheerleaders to permanently change, with many other NFL teams emulating them. Most of the professional teams' cheerleading squads would more accurately be described as dance teams by today's standards; as they rarely, if ever, actively encourage crowd noise or perform modern cheerleading moves.

The 1980s saw the onset of modern cheerleading with more difficult stunt sequences and gymnastics being incorporated into routines. ESPN first broadcasted the National High School Cheerleading Competition nationwide in 1983. Cheerleading organizations such as the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Advisors (AACCA), founded in 1987, started applying universal safety standards to decrease the number of injuries and prevent dangerous stunts, pyramids and tumbling passes from being included in routines. [9] In 2003, the National Council for Spirit Safety and Education (NCSSE) was formed to offer safety training for youth, school, all star and college coaches. The NCAA requires college cheer coaches to successfully complete a nationally recognized safety-training program. The NCSSE or AACCA certification programs are both recognized by the NCAA.

Today, cheerleading is most closely associated with American football and basketball. Sports such as association football (soccer), ice hockey, volleyball, baseball, and wrestling sometimes sponsor cheerleading squads. The ICC Twenty20 Cricket World Cup in South Africa in 2007 was the first international cricket event to have cheerleaders. The Florida Marlins were the first Major League Baseball team to have cheerleaders. Debuting in 2003, the "Marlin Mermaids" gained national exposure and have influenced other MLB teams to develop their own cheer/dance squads.

[edit] Types of teams in the world today

[edit] School-sponsored

Most American high schools and colleges have organized cheerleading squads made up solely of students. Several colleges that compete at cheerleading competitions offer cheerleading scholarships. Some military academies use their drill team or color guard team instead of a cheersquad at athletic events, but some military academies have traditional cheerleading squads just like other everyday universities. Normally, the main reason for school-sponsored cheerleading is to promote school spirit and motivate the players and fans. They may compete outside of sporting events (local, regional, and national competitions), but their main task is to cheer for sporting events and get the crowd involved. Cheerleading is quickly becoming a year round sport starting with tryouts during the spring of the preceding school year, organized camp as a team, practices, attendance at various sporting events and ending with National competition season typically from winter through spring.

[edit] High School Cheerleading

High School Cheerleading has quickly become two events in one sport. There are two major aspects to high school cheerleading teams. There's the school spirit portion and the competition portion. These squads have become a part of a year round sport, starting with tryouts in the spring, to year round practice, to sporting events to cheer at in the fall and winter, and to cheerleading competitions. The school spirit aspect of cheerleading involves cheering, supporting, and “pumping up” the crowd at football games, basketball games, even wrestling meets. With this they also make posters, perform at pep rallies, and bring school spirit to the other students. The competition aspect makes cheerleading its own sport. There are year-round practices, cheer camps, and competitions through the fall and winter. There are different cheer organizations that put on these competitions, some of the major ones include a state competition and regionals competitions. The regional competitions are the qualifiers for the national competitions, such as the UCA (Universal Cheerleaders Association) in Orlando, Florida every year[10]. The competition aspect of cheer can be very enduring, styles and rules changing every year make it important and difficult to find the newest and hottest up coming routines[11]. For list of rules visit AACCA (American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Administrators) Routines usually last around 2 minutes and 30 seconds and require cheer, dance, jumps, tumbling, and stunting portions. Not all high school cheerleading squads compete in competitions, but all support their schools. All cheerleaders dress in matching uniforms. They do this to look "together" and like a team when performing.[12].

[edit] College Cheerleading

Most colleges and universities have a cheerleading squad. Most squads are coed (consisting of both men and women), but all-girl college squads are growing in rapid numbers in an effort to give female cheerleaders (especially female bases) who have cheered on an all-girl high school or all-star squads an opprtunity to cheer at the collegiate level without making the transition to a coed squad. Unlike high school cheerleading, college squads can perform difficult stunts like rewinds, 2 1/2 high pyramids, and flipping and twisting basket tosses. Most college squads don't compete, but a handful of them compete nationally. Top collegiate squads include the University of Kentucky, the University of Louisville, Morehead State University, the University of Central Florida, the University of Alabama, and Stephen F. Austin University.

[edit] Youth league/ Athletic Association

Many organizations that sponsor youth league football or basketball sponsor cheerleading squads as well. Pop Warner organizations are an example of this. The YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) is also a popular sponsor for youth cheerleading leagues, as well as numerous other sports leagues.

[edit] All-Star cheerleading

In the early 1980s, cheerleading squads not associated with a schools or sports leagues, whose main objective was competition, began to emerge. The first organization to call themselves all stars and go to competitions were the Q94 Rockers from Richmond, Virginia, founded in 1982 by Hilda McDaniel.[13] All-star teams competing prior to 1987 were place into the same divisions as teams that represented schools and sports leagues. In 1986 National Cheerleaders Association (NCA) decided to address this situation by creating a separate division for these teams lacking a sponsoring school or athletic association, calling it the 'All-Star Division' and debuting it at their 1987 competitions. As the popularity of these types of teams grew, more and more of them were formed, attending competitions sponsored by many different types of organizations and companies, all using their own set of rules, regulations and divisions. This situation became one of the chief concerns of gym owners. These inconsistencies caused coaches to keep their routines in a constant state of flux, detracting from time that should be utilized to develop skills and provide personal attention to their athletes. More importantly, because the various companies were constantly vying for the competitive edge, safety standards had becoming more and more lax. In some cases, unqualified coaches and inexperienced squads are attempting dangerous stunts as a result of these “expanded” sets of rules.[14]

The USASF was formed in 2003 by these various competition companies to act as the national governing body for all star cheerleading and to create a standard set of rules and judging standards to be followed by all competitions sanctioned by the Federation and ultimately leading to the Cheerleading Worlds. The USASF hosted the first Cheerleading Worlds on Saturday, April 24, 2004.[14] At the same time, cheerleading coaches from all over the country organize themselves for the same rule making purpose, calling themselves the National All Star Cheerleading Coaches Congress (NACCC). In 2005, the NACCC was absorbed by the USASF to become their rule making body.[13] By late 2006, the USASF was ready to expand its reach even further, by facilitating the creation of the International All-Star Federation (IASF), the first international governing body for the sport of cheerleading. [15]

Currently all-star cheerleading as sanctioned by the USASF involves a squad of 6-36 females and/or males. The squad prepares year-round for many different competition appearances, but they only actually perform for up to 2½ minutes during their routines. The numbers of competitions a team participates in varies from team to team, but generally, most teams tend to participate in eight-twelve competitions a year. These competitions include locals, which are normally taken place in school gymnasiums, nationals, hosted in big venues all around the U.S. with national champions, and the Cheerleading Worlds, taken place at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. During a competition routine, a squad performs carefully choreographed stunting, tumbling, jumping and dancing to their own custom music. Teams create their routines to an eight-count system and apply that to the music so the team members execute the elements with precise timing and synchronization.

Judges at the competition watch for illegal moves from the group or any individual member. Here, an illegal move is something that is not allowed in that division due to difficulty and safety restrictions. More generally, judges look at the difficulty and execution of jumps, stunts and tumbling, synchronization, creativity, the sharpness of the motions, showmanship, and overall routine execution.

All-star cheerleaders are placed into divisions, which are grouped based upon age, size of the team, gender of participants, and ability level. The age levels vary from under 4 year of age to 18 years and over. The divisions used by the USASF/IASF are currently Tiny, Mini, Youth, Junior, Junior International, Junior Coed, Senior, Senior coed, Open International and Open.[16]

If a team places high enough at selected USASF/IASF sanctioned national competitions, they could be included in the Cheerleading Worlds and compete against teams from all over the world, as well as receive money for placing.[2]

[edit] Famous former cheerleaders

Many prominent people in the entertainment field and even presidents have been cheerleaders. To see the list, go to List of cheerleaders.

[edit] Cheerleading in popular culture

[edit] Movies and television

Also see List of cheerleaders in fiction

The revamped and provocative Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders of the 1970s—and the many imitators that followed—firmly established the cheerleader as an American icon of wholesome sex appeal. In response, a new subgenre of exploitation films suddenly sprang up with titles such as The Cheerleaders (1972), The Swinging Cheerleaders (1974), Revenge of the Cheerleaders (1975), The Pom Pom Girls (1976), Satan's Cheerleaders (1977), and Cheerleaders's Wild Weekend (1979). In addition to R-rated sex comedies and horror films, cheerleaders became a staple of the adult film industry, starting with Debbie Does Dallas (1978) and its four sequels.

On television, the made-for-TV movie The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (which aired January 14, 1979) starring Jane Seymour was a highly-rated success, spawning the 1980 sequel The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders II.

The Dallas squad was in high demand during the late '70s with frequent appearances on network specials, awards shows, variety programs, commercials, the game show Family Feud and sitcoms such as The Love Boat. The sci-fi sitcom Mork & Mindy also based a 1979 episode around the Denver Broncos cheerleaders with Mork (Robin Williams) trying out for the squad.

Cheerleading's increasing popularity in recent decades has made it a prominent feature in high-school themed movies and television shows. The 2000 film Bring It On, about a San Diego high school cheerleading squad called "The Toros", starred real-life former cheerleader Kirsten Dunst. Bring It On was a surprise hit and earned nearly $70 million domestically. It spawned three direct-to-video sequels Bring It On Again in 2003, Bring It On: All or Nothing in 2006, and Bring It On: In It to Win It in 2007. Bring It On was followed in 2001 by another teen cheerleading comedy, Sugar & Spice. In 1993, The Positively True Adventures of the Alleged Texas Cheerleader-Murdering Mom was an acclaimed TV movie which told the true story of Wanda Holloway, the Texas mother whose obsession with her daughter's cheerleading career made headline news.

In 2006, Hayden Panettiere, star of Bring It On: All or Nothing, took another cheerleading role as Claire Bennet, the cheerleader with an accelerated healing factor on NBC's hit sci-fi TV series Heroes, launching cheerleading back into the limelight of pop culture. Claire was the main focus of the show's first story arc, featuring the popular catchphrase, "Save the cheerleader, save the world." Her prominent, protagonist role in Heroes was supported by a strong fan-base and provided a positive image for high school cheerleading.

In 2006, Cheerleader Nation, was a reality show featured on the channel, Lifetime. Cheerleader Nation is a 60 minute television series based on the Paul Laurence Dunbar High School cheerleading team's ups and downs on the way to nationals, of which they are the three time champions. This show also explains how cheerleading is a tough sport. This show takes place in Lexington, Kentucky. The team is on a quest to win a third national championship.

In 2007, the series "Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team" was started to show the process of getting on the pro squad of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders. Everything from initial tryouts to workout routines and the difficulties involved was shown. The series was given another year to show the process of getting the 08 Cheerleaders ready.

Minggu, 15 Februari 2009

Hargailah Waktu . . . !!!!!

jadi ,

buad gw ....

. waktu adalah segalanya .

. waktu penuh tanda tanya .

. . jangan sia - siakan waktu mu . .

Minggu, 08 Februari 2009

D'18 . . .

. Smangat yahhh Kwan. . . .kwand. . .
kIta berjuang b'sama maju tRuz pantang mundur. . . .
berlatih bersama. . . b'juang b'sama. .

hidup geNk penyiMpangan. . . . .

aaa . . .

a _ tHe . . .

a_ Ntz . . .

. . . a bug 'z Life . . .

l . u .p h . . .

. d'18.

P . A .T .A . H _ H . A .T .I

. Patah hati bukan patah semangat.....
. tRus khunt hidup tanpa melihat kebelakang
. mati satu tumbuh seribu.......................................
. tRus berjuang mempertahankan haRi para "Joumblouuuuuuuwh" seDunaia

. . . . . >_< . . . .

. ya...jelas.
. ya...jelauioas..

_BahagIa Phour Eper_
